Shipping policy

The size and weight of your online purchase are factors that help us determine the most efficient delivery method.

Standard Shipping -We ship smaller items via carriers. You'll receive notification as soon as the order ships. Items may require assembly.Available shipping options will be noted in the shopping cart,but generally include 7-14 days shipping.If 5 day shipping is available for an order,the order is expected to be delivered within 5 business day after it has been shipped and picked up by the delivery carrier. business days do not include weekends. Delivery may be delayed by factors such as changes in inventory,delivery capacity, and unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, such as strikes, natural disasters, and inclement weather.

 In-Home Delivery - will deliver larger items one of two ways: directly from warehouse. Typically around two business days after purchase.The delivery service will contact you and schedule a delivery date and time at your convenience.